§ Terms and Conditions:
Clause one: Introduction.
This introduction and subsequent clauses shall be deemed an integral part of this contract and complementary to its provision, in accordance with what agreed in the clauses of this contract, the validity of the information has been agreed and signed and approved as set forth in this contract after the customer has been informed of the components of the service that he wishes to participate through the company’s official channels: (the official website/ Home – Salam Mobile) or application (my Salam) and the components, terms and conditions of service under contract were explained and thereby precluded the ignorance or speculation of the customer and becomes fully responsible for all financial and statutory liabilities of the service to the company and to any other party; The customer shall also be liable to the authenticity of the data and information that he recorded in the service request form and shall be liable to its invalidity, and shall undertake to notify the company of any change.
Clause Two: Definitions.
The expressions and terms stipulated in the provisions of this contract shall bear the meanings stated in the relevant regulations of the Communications, Space and Technology Commission, including the document protecting the users’ rights of communications and information technology services and the conditions for the provision of services. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms and expressions shall bear the meanings specified for each of them: 1. Company: Integrated Telecom Mobile Company Limited (SALAM MOBILE), a Saudi limited liability company registered under the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia under Commercial Registration No. (1010691908) and licensed by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission to provide telecommunication network operator services default mobile. 2. Customer: is the natural or legal person or authorized by him who requests or uses any of the services or products provided by the company. 3. Commission: Communications, Space and Technology Commission. 4. Contract: It means this document containing the terms and conditions of the services or products subject of the subscription, in which the customer has documented his consent to the terms and conditions contained therein electronically through the text message that contains a link to this document or through the national access portal or as determined by the Commission in its relevant regulations and resolutions. It includes any other appendices attached to or referred to herein. 5. Service(s): Any product or service provided by the company under the license granted to it at the request of the customer, which is indicated in the service request. 6. Tax: It is all taxes that will be added to the customer’s invoice in accordance with the prevailing laws in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 7. Category: It is a category of numbers that the company, according to its discretion, classifies as unique and according to which it determines its category, identification, terms and conditions. |
Clause Three: General Provisions.
1. The customer shall acknowledge his legitimate and systematic eligibility to contract and agrees to abide by all terms and conditions set forth in this contract. 2. These terms and conditions are subject to the laws and regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including the laws, regulations, and resolutions issued by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission. Where there is a conflict with the contract, the provisions contained in the aforementioned laws, regulations, and resolutions shall prevail. 3. Where no provision is provided for in this contract; The provisions of the Regulations Document for the Protection of the Rights of Users of Communications and Information Technology Services and the Conditions for Providing Services issued by the Communications, Space and Technology Commission and any regulations that replace them shall apply. 4. If there is any conflict between the Arabic text of the terms and conditions of this contract and the English text, the Arabic text shall prevail. 5. The company shall be entitled to amend the terms and conditions of this contract in accordance with the rules, regulations and resolutions issued by the Commission or other relevant authorities. 6. The service is designed for personal use, and the customer may not give it to others, rent, resell or assign the service without obtaining the prior written consent of the company, and undertakes not to abuse the company’s resources by unfair use or conducting illegal practices. It shall adhere to cancel the service when the need for it is no longer and he is responsible for any violation that arises as a result of the breach of this commitment. 7. The company shall be entitled, when offering loyalty programs and rewards, to update, modify or cancel such programs on its own without incurring any liability or compensation towards the beneficiaries and members of these programs, and this includes the controls related to the acquisition and weight of points and their expiry validity, conversion rates and the type and values of rewards granted in them and participating members. 8. Transfer of the number from another operator to the company; in contrast to the regulations, bylaws and resolutions issued by the Commission in this regard. 9. The ID and mobile number data provided upon request to transfer the number from another operator to the company are assumed to be correct and accurate. The Company is obligated to begin executing the request from its submission date, as these procedures are completed within the periods specified in the system. 10. The company shall suspend the customer’s local data service immediately upon consuming the full capacity included in the joint offer, after notifying the customer of stopping this service and informing him of the mechanism for activating the data usage feature according to use and its cost; If he wants. 11. Judicial jurisdiction takes place in the event that the customer breaches the terms and conditions of the service or the contract, including failure to pay the financial dues incurred after the end of the service contract, and could not be dealt with amicably to the competent court in the city of Riyadh. 12. The service contract comes into force from the date of commencement of the service with the customer |
Clause Four: Customer’s Obligations.
1. The Customer shall undertake not to use the Service for fraudulent, intrusive, inconvenient, advertising or marketing purposes. 2. The client shall undertake to pay the amount of the financial insurance and the amounts due from him within the period specified by the company. 3. The customer shall be liable for the communications and uses issued from his telecommunications devices or equipment, and bear their costs, regardless of the manner in which they were made, or the identity of the person who made or accepted the use. 4. The customer may not use the service or allow its use or make modifications to the devices, equipment and programs related to it in violation of the applicable regulations in the Kingdom, or in violation of the terms of this contract, or the purposes for which it was designated, and he is liable for the illegal use and its consequences. 5. The customer shall comply with the required licenses for the software used in the hardware and equipment, including the observance of intellectual property rights, or any other required rights related to the provision of any services, or the installation or use of any equipment at its site (including telecommunications equipment and equipment) via the period of providing the service or making it available to him by the company. 6. The customer shall undertake, in the event that the company provides peripheral devices at his site to provide the service, to allow the persons authorized by the company to enter the buildings and sites that he occupies, or that are under his control, and to allow them to stay in those sites as long as required for any of the agreed and permitted purposes. It is in accordance with the laws, regulations and resolutions of the Commission. 7. The customer shall declare that when peripheral devices are installed for him by the company to provide any of its services to him, the company retains ownership of the devices even after the end of the contract or service with the customer, and has the right to retrieve them after the end of the contract. 8. The customer shall agree that the company will notify him of the products and services offered by it through all available communication channels, including telemarketing, text messages (SMS), and social networking programs such as WhatsApp. The customer has the right to withdraw his consent by contacting the customer service center or visiting the nearest branch of the company. 9. The customer shall agree to subscribe to the international roaming service – with the exception of the Internet service during roaming – when he establishes the service, and he can stop the service by submitting a request by logging into the user’s account through the company’s application and website or by calling the number (1101) or outside the Kingdom if he is present. Kingdom with the number (966511011101) or visit the nearest branch of the company. 10. Upon the loss of his SIM, the customer must inform the company immediately so that he is released from any future consequences that may result from the number registered in his name. 11. The customer agrees to the exclusive provision and management of digital offers, packages, and associated services through electronic channels. 12. The customer, as a subscriber to digital offers and packages, agrees to the company’s right to exclusively handle and process requests and complaints submitted by them through electronic channels.
Clause Five: Credit Limits and Financial Insurance (Postpaid Services).
1. The company shall be entitled to determine the value of the customer’s credit limit based on his average monthly consumption or as it deems appropriate. The customer shall be entitled to request a reduction in the value of the credit limit, provided that the value of this limit when amended is not less than the value of the tariff of the joint offer. If the customer requests to upgrade the joint offer to an offer higher than the value of his tariff, the value of the credit limit will automatically be upgraded to be equal to the value of the tariff of the joint offer. 2. Once the amounts claimed by the customer reach the value of the credit limit, the service will be suspended for the features that do not fall within the features included in the joint offer. The period is (10%) of the value of his credit limit. 3. The customer shall declare his knowledge of the company’s right to demand any amounts exceeding the credit limit in the following cases: a. Fees for the last call that started before the credit limit was reached. b. Service utilization fees during international roaming, excluding the use of data during roaming. c. An increase of not more than (10%) of the credit limit value in the event that he requests to restore the service after it was suspended to reach the credit limit. 4. The company shall be entitled to request financial insurance from the client, whether upon approval of the contract electronically or during its validity period in a way that suits the company and guarantees its right, and this includes the following cases: a. Existence of previous indebtedness of the client with the company and is not subject to dispute. b. Existence of previous defaults in payment, or in the customer’s credit record with the authorities concerned with credit information. c. If the customer is new to the company, and there is no information about him. d. d. In the event of a request to activate the international roaming service. 5. The insurance amount will be returned to the customer based on the following cases: a. Within (10) days from the expiration date of the reason for requesting the amount assured or cancelling the service. b. After the expiration of one year from the date of payment of the financial security, if this is due for one of the cases referred to in paragraphs (a, b, c) of paragraph (4) and the user regularly pays any fees due to the service provider and he does not have any other undisputed debts with the company. |
Clause six: Fees and Financial Obligations.
1. All amounts due under this contract include government taxes in accordance with the applicable regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The customer shall adhere to compensate the company for any costs and burdens of whatever nature, cause and value that the company may incur as a result of the customer’s failure to pay the tax amount specified in the invoices issued by the company in accordance with the payment terms specified by it in this regard. 2. The company shall bill the postpaid services every calendar month and it is issued on the 28th of each calendar month. The customer can also view the details of his use of prepaid services by entering his account with the company. 3. The customer shall agree that the company has the right to change the service fees and tariffs during the validity period of the contract, after notifying him in the appropriate manner before applying any amendment to these fees, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract, and the laws, regulations and resolutions of the Commission. 4. The company shall be entitled to bill the postpaid previous fees for the current postpaid cycle in the following cases: a. The amounts are correct for recurring or non-recurring fees, within sixty (60) days from the due date of the amount. b. The amounts are correct for the fees for using the service during international roaming, within sixty (60) days from the date of use. 5. The service of transferring available balance within prepaid services is available. The company imposes a specified monetary fee on the customer for completing any balance transfer transaction. |
Clause Seven: Suspension and Cancellation of the Service.
1. The customer shall be entitled to request suspension of the service for a period not exceeding (12) months, provided that he pays the fees for suspending the service for this period, and in the event that there is a minimum limit for the service contract; The company has the right to extend the commitment period for a period equal to the period in which the service was suspended. 2. The customer shall be entitled to request cancellation of the service in accordance with the eighth clause of the terms and conditions contained in this contract. 3. The company shall be entitled to suspend or cancel the service in accordance with the rules, regulations and resolutions of the Commission; Including the following cases: a. The customer’s failure to respond to the company’s request to update his data, or it is proven that he provided the company with false or forged data or information. b. Non-payment of the invoice after the (25) days from the date of its issuance, unless the reason for the suspension is that the invoice reaches the credit limit. c. The customer’s failure to pay the amounts recorded in the invoice within (60) days from the date of his request for them, and these amounts were not disputed, and the company shall be entitled to transfer these amounts to any other service account belonging to the customer after notifying him of that. d. The customer’s failure to provide financial insurance or his breach of his obligations arising from the provisions of the deferred payment (installment) agreement according to the company’s deferred payment plan. e. Violation by the customer of any of the provisions or conditions stipulated in this contract or the laws, regulations, and resolutions issued by the Commission or the relevant authorities, including misuse of the service, which includes causing nuisance, threatening, fraud, abuse of others, or using it to make calls and send fraudulent messages. obtrusive, advertising, or marketing. Or receiving a request for suspension or cancellation from the Commission. f. The customer obstructs the company’s specialists from entering and accessing the service site at least three times a year, when there are peripheral devices belonging to the company inside the site. g. When (90) days have passed from the date of the last action taken by the customer in the prepaid services on any of the following operations: (recharging the balance, making a call, sending a text message or surfing the Internet through the SIM card). h. When the heirs fail to update their position regarding the transfer of the number to one of them within (30) days from the date of learning or informing the company of the customer’s death. 4. It is agreed that the suspension, transfer or cancellation of the service does not relieve the customer from his responsibility to pay any amounts due to the company until the date of completion of the transfer or cancellation of the service. 5. The customer shall pay all dues incurred by the service, in addition to all taxes, when canceling the service or wishing to transfer to another operator. The company undertakes to start implementing the application from the date of its submission, as these procedures are terminated within the periods specified by the system. 6. If the customer wishes to modify or cancel the service, he can do so by calling (1101), by visiting a branch, or through the company’s website or application. |
Clause Eight: Duration and Termination of Contract.
1. If the service is not associated with a commitment period; This contract is considered valid and effective from the date of service start for the customer for a postpaid cycle. This contract is automatically renewed for similar periods, and in the event of modification or cancellation of all or some of the services that the customer subscribed to under this contract, he will be required to pay the tariff for these services for the entire postpaid cycle in which the contract was amended or canceled. 2. If the service is associated with a commitment period; The contract remains valid and in force for the entire commitment period, after which the provisions of Clause (1) of this Clause apply. 3. In the event of any modification or cancellation of the service or services during the validity of the commitment period, whether at the customer’s request or due to his breach of the provisions contained in the laws, regulations, government resolutions, or the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract or in the service, or at the direction of the Commission, a condition shall be imposed on the customer. Penalty, the amount of which is determined according to the mechanism stipulated in the terms and conditions contained in this contract, without prejudice to the right of the company to demand the customer to pay the amounts due for the service until the termination of the contract. 4. It is considered among the cases of modification or cancellation of the service – for example but not limited to – the customer assigns the number to another customer, the customer transfers the number to another operator, and changes the subscription type from postpaid to prepaid or vice versa, reducing the subscribed offer to an offer with lower tariffs or advantages, the customer’s failure to pay the amounts incurred for the service within the specified regular period, and the illegal use of the number, including the use of the service for other than the purpose for which it was intended, or using it for fraudulent, intrusive, disturbing, advertising or marketing purposes. . |
Clause Nine: Limitation of Liability
1. The company will not be liable to the customer except within the extent of returning the financial consideration to the customer for the remainder of the subscription period, in the event of force majeure or any other reasons beyond the control of the company that prevented the provision or continuation of providing the service. 2. The company shall not be liable to the customer for any loss or damage to his mobile phone chip due to a malfunction in the mobile phone device, slow work, delay in making any call, or any discontinuation of service provision at any time. 3. The customer agree that the company shall not be liable as a result of the discrepancy, deficiency or interruption in service resulting from any modifications in the network in order to improve the service or any malfunctions resulting from changing weather conditions or climatic and geographical fluctuations, except within the limits of returning the financial compensation to the customer for the period of interruption only. If it is proven that there is an intentional default on the part of the company. |
Clause Ten: Processing of Personal Data.
1. The customer or whoever he authorizes shall acknowledge the authenticity and accuracy of his personal data provided, including his address and contact number. If the information is incorrect, inaccurate or updated found, he undertakes to notify the company of that immediately. The company is not responsible if it deals on the basis of the information provided to it unless it is notified of its change. 2. The customer shall agree that the company collects and uses his personal data and information for the purpose of providing and improving its services and shares some data with its affiliates. The company shall be entitled to cancel the subscribed service if he revokes this consent. 3. The company shall abide by taking all appropriate measures to protect the customer’s data, information and uses and their confidentiality, and not to disclose them to any external parties in any way, except at the request of the Commission or the competent authorities. 4. The client shall agree to provide the company with any information or data it may require to establish, review or manage his account with the company, including verifying his identity through the competent authorities. 5. The customer shall agree to grant the company the right to exchange credit information related to his mentioned account or any other account belonging to him with approved credit centers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to subscribe to the “instant payment” service. 6. The client shall declare his knowledge that his name will be included in the list of blocked or defaulted clients in the event that he fails to pay the financial dues to the company after the lapse of (60 days) from the date of issuance of the invoice; Unless it is in dispute, and in the event of non-payment after the lapse of (75) days from the date of issuance of the invoice, the company shall be entitled to take whatever it deems appropriate by resorting to the competent authorities to preserve its rights and include its name in the list of prohibited dealings with them. |
Article Eleven: Device Support Programs and Premium Numbers
1. Device support programs and premium numbers are available to customers who subscribe to one of the postpaid packages whose features include the provision of these programs. 2. Evaluation of the Customer’s eligibility to participate in the Hardware and Premium Number Support Programs is at the Company’s discretion; In this regard, it shall have the right to review the customer’s credit record with the company and with approved credit centers. 3. The company shall be entitled to set an upper limit on the number of devices and premium numbers that a qualified customer can get, and it is also entitled to set an upper limit for the value of devices and numbers that can be disbursed to the customer at its discretion. 4. The granting of devices and numbers to customers who meet the terms of the support programs for devices and premium numbers depends on their availability and availability to them. 5. The device purchased by the customer within the hardware support programs is subject to the warranty terms specified by the manufacturer, and the company is not responsible for any malfunction or defect in the device. 6. The company shall be entitled to restrict the use of devices to the chipsets issued by them only. These restrictions can be lifted after the customer has paid all amounts owed by him. 7. The policy of calculating the penalty clause resulting from breach of commitment:
– Fine formula = (subsidy value specified for the device or token number) ÷ (duration of commitment) x remaining months. – Example: The value of the subsidy specified for the device or the unique number (2400) ÷ commitment period (24) = 100 x the remaining months (12) = 1200 riyals.
8. The company shall be entitled to change the category of the unique number allocated to the customer for any reason without prior notice or compensation whatsoever. It is agreed that the customer is not entitled to request any reduction in the value of the fees as a result of the company changing the category of the unique number assigned to him. |
Clause Twelve: The Network.
1. 1. The Customer shall acknowledge that the Service is provided using the infrastructure of Mobile Telecommunications Saudi Company “Zain”. 2. The customer shall acknowledge that unless otherwise stipulated; The company’s services under this contract will be provided on the basis of participation and effort, and may be subject to applicable competition rates. Actual upload and download speeds vary in accordance with the usage pressure and network availability. 3. The customer shall acknowledge that the service will be provided, including the type of technology used; For example, the fifth generation, based on the available mobile network coverage according to the coverage map published by the company. |
Clause Thirteen: Objection and Complaint.
1. The customer shall be entitled to lodge a complaint with respect to the services provided by the company within a period not exceeding 60 days from the date of the event of the complaint or from the issuance of the invoice subject to objection unless he is found not to be aware of the invoice or the date of the timely occurrence according to the channels available and described on the company’s official website. The complaint may be escalated if the company fails to address the complaint within 5 days of its submission or is not satisfied with the complaint. 2. The customer may submit his complaint to the company by contacting the number (1101) from inside the Kingdom or from outside the Kingdom at the number (966511011101), or by visiting one of the branches, or through the company’s website or application, or the company’s official accounts on social media sites. 3. If the failure to meet the service quality standards is attributable to the company; the settlement is done to the customer according to the settlement mechanism applied by the company and advice on its official website. |