باقات الأعمال لسلام موبايل
الباقات الإضافية
اختر باقتك
International Destination Covered under Add-on Package
البلد المشغلون/ مقدمي الخدمة 3G3G 4G 5G
أرمينيا Ucom Yes3G Yes -
النمسا T Mobile Yes Yes -
النمسا Hutchison Yes3G Yes -
البحرين Zain Yes3G Yes -
بنغلاديش Robi Axiata Yes Yes -
بنغلاديش Grameenphone Yes Yes -
بلجيكا Proximus Yes3G Yes -
بلجيكا Telenet Yes3G Yes Yes
كندا Telus Yes3G Yes Yes
الصين China Mobile Yes3G Yes -
اختر باقتك
International Destination Covered under Add-on Package
البلد المشغلون/ مقدمي الخدمة 3G3G 4G 5G
الجزائر Ooredoo Yes3G Yes -
أرمينيا Ucom Yes3G Yes -
النمسا T Mobile 3YesG Yes -
النمسا Hutchison Yes3G Yes -
أذربيجان Bakcell 3YesG Yes Yes
البحرين Zain Yes3G Yes -
بنغلاديش Robi Axiata Yes3G Yes -
بنغلاديش Grameenphone Yes3G Yes -
بلجيكا Proximus Yes3G Yes -
بلجيكا Telenet Yes3G Yes Yes
اختر باقتك
International Destination Covered under Add-on Package
البلد المشغلون/مقدمي الخدمة 3G3G 4G 5G
البحرين Zain Yes3G Yes -
الكويت Zain Yes3G Yes Yes
الكويت Ooredoo Yes3G Yes -
عُمان Omantel Yes3G Yes Yes
عُمان Vodafone Yes3G - -
قطر Ooredoo Yes3G Yes Yes
قطر Vodafone Yes3G Yes Yes
الإمارات العربية المتحدة Etisalat 3YesG Yes -
الإمارات العربية المتحدة Du Yes3G Yes Yes
اختر باقتك
Frequently Asked Questions
How can a customer subscribe to the business add-on packages?
Customer can contact through one of the following channels:
Business Care:
+966 51 101 1101
What are different subscription types of business add-on packages available?
One-time Subscription:
Expire upon consuming add-on volume or upon reaching add-on expiry date.
Autorenewal Subscription:
Add-on becomes monthly subscription and gets auto-renewed every month.
Which business add-on packages are available for autorenewal subscription?
All add-on packages having 30-day validity can also be purchased with autorenewal subscription agreement.
What are charging rules for business add-on packages?
Add-on Package Subscription Cancellation
One-time Subscription Full price charged upon successful subscription. Non-refundable
Autorenewal Subscription Prorated charges and add-on package benefits for first month based on subscription date. Full charges and add-on package benefits for subsequent months. Subscription continues till month end and service not auto-renewed next month. Full charges and add-on package benefits for last month.
What are business rules for multiple add-on package subscriptions of same service?
Add-on Package Multiple Subscription Consumption Rules
One-time Subscription Allowed First-in First-Out
Autorenewal Subscription Not Allowed -
What if a customer has fully consumed autorenewal subscription add-on package benefit?
Customer can request subscription to one-time add-on packages of same service.
What if a customer wants to cancel one-time addon package?
One-time add-on packages once subscribed cannot be requested for cancellation.
What type of roaming calls are consumed under Roaming minutes offered inside add-on packages?
Following call types are consumed while roaming (a) Local Calls, (b) Call Back KSA and (c) Incoming Calls.
What is fair usage policy for Unlimited Roaming Data?
5 GB per day and download speed throttle to 1 Mbps afterwards.
What will be the consumption priority between package and add-on package benefit?
The consumption priority is in following order
  • One-time Subscription add-on packages (first in first out, in case of multiple one-time add-on subscriptions)
  • Autorenewal Subscription add-on packages
  • Business Postpaid Package benefits
Can a customer request subscription of add-on packages?
Yes, the request must be made officially through your company’s Authorized Person.