باقات السلام موبايل للأعمال
الإتصال بالإنترنت عبر الجوال للأعمال
الإنترنت للأعمال
تهيئة وإعداد مرن
إنترنت سريع وموثوق
التوصيل والتشغيل مباشرة
العمل عن بعد
استمرارية الأعمال
اختر باقاتك
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can subscribe to the packages?
Any Business with CR or Government Entity.
How can a customer subscribe to the packages?
Customer can contact through one of the following channels:
Buy it now to Request Service
Business Care:
+966 51 101 1101
What is the Billing type of Salam Mobile Business packages?
What happens if a customer fully consumes his data volume quota?
Customer can subscribe to one-time add-on packages.
Data Add-on Validity Price with VAT
2 GB 20 Days 40.25 SAR
What is fair usage policy for Unlimited Internet offered under Salam Mobile Business Mobile Internet Access?
No Fair usage policy is applicable.
Is there carryover of unused package benefits to next month?
Can a customer avail same service on E-SIM?
E-SIM service is currently unavailable.
Can a customer request package upgrade/downgrade?
Yes, the request must be made officially through your company’s Authorized Person.

الشروط والأحكام العامة تحميل

By signing this Agreement document, the Customer has agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below. Salam Mobile may at any time modify this Agreement, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified Agreement. Customer agrees to review the Agreement periodically and his continued access or use of the Service shall be deemed as Customer's conclusive acceptance of the modified Agreement.

General Regulations

  1. These Terms and Conditions shall be deemed as an integral part of the service contract and by signing the service subscription form, Customer shall be deemed to have perused and agreed to these conditions.
  2. This contract shall be subject to provisions contained in the "Conditions to provide Mobile & IT Solutions Services and Users & Service Providers Rights & Obligations" issued by the Communications, Space and (CST) according to its decision dated 11/3/1429 H (the "CST Conditions") (as it may be amended from time to time) shall apply to these Terms and Conditions and any matter related to these Terms and Conditions not covered by these Terms and Conditions shall fall subject to the CST Conditions.
  3. The terms and conditions agreement will be cited in both Arabic and English language. In case, there arises any conflict between Arabic and English text against the terms and conditions, the Arabic text shall prevail.
  4. Customer is required to submit a copy of its commercial registration, license, entity ID, VAT certificate and National Address. If Customer is a government authority that is not subject to Ministry of Commerce rules, an official approved authorization is required. Salam Mobile will verify the information provided in these documents and may request additional documents.
  5. Salam Mobile is entitled to amend the terms and conditions of this agreement, in accordance with the rules, regulations, and resolutions issued by CST or any relevant authorities.
  6. Customer shall appoint an Authorized representative (minimum one and maximum three), who will be the point of contact from Customer side for service delivery, service activation, service modification, service-related inquiries, service failure, and SMS messaging. Any service transaction that involves financial liability to Customer will require approval and authorization through Customer's appointed Authorized Representative.
  7. Customer's commercial registration number must be defined on government's WATHQ system and its CR expiry date validity must be greater than 30 days.
  8. The Authorized representative appointed by Customer should be defined on government's WATHQ system and he/she should be configured on Semati services with privilege of allowing Issuance of Postpaid SIMs.
  9. The service contract will have initial duration of one full calendar year/ twelve (12) months unless otherwise mentioned in this Contract, and will be automatically renewed for a similar period unless otherwise requested from Customer. The contract commitment period will commence from the first bill issuance date.
  10. Customer hereby gives acceptance of having full understanding and knowledge of mobile packages selected for this agreement. This includes, but not limited to, subscription fees, package benefits, tariff charges, payment types, and payment options available.
  11. Customer will be charged monthly subscription fees against subscribed mobile packages. Customer shall be entitled to package benefits in form of free minutes, messages or data (whichever applicable). Any usage which is excluded from package benefits or any usage that is made after exceeding the package benefit will be charged as per tariff charges.
  12. The tariff charges include per unit rates for calls, messages and data. The tariff charges vary across local, international and roaming services. The tariff charges for local and international services will remain unchanged during the term of the contract; unless otherwise any change is requested by regulatory body (CST). The tariff charges for roaming services are determined by wholesale agreement between Salam Mobile and other international operators, and can be revised any time without prior notification.
  13. Salam Mobile may charge additionally fees for service modification such as voluntary suspension, account freeze, SIM Swap services, any change in subscription plans etc.
  14. Customer may be provided conditional discounts on additional terms that shall be applicable during the active Customer contract. Renewal of conditional discounts will require adherence to renewal of contract conditions including discount terms.
  15. Customer that wishes to terminate the contract after its due date or non-renew it has to notify Salam Mobile at least thirty (30) days before the expiry date.
  16. All Postpaid packages are subject to monthly credit control limit. Any modification to credit limit would require authorization and approval from Customer's appointed Authorized representative.
  17. All charges will have taxes applied on them as per Saudi Arabia Law.
  18. Upon the expiration of the Contract Period and in the absence of automatic renewal, the monthly charges of service shall cease, however, all pertinent information regarding the Service shall be retained.
  19. Salam Mobile shall provide customer support services to assist customers with inquires, technical support and issue resolution related to the services provided. Customer can reach out on to Salam Mobile helpline by calling 1101.
  20. Salam Mobile is responsible for protecting the Customer's data and keep data archives for Customer for a period of One year from the date of any transaction; including the event of service cancellation/ termination. Salam Mobile is committed to preservation of Customer data and shall not share it with any external party, unless it receives explicit approval from the Customer.
  21. All terms and conditions mentioned under this Offer will be considered part of these terms and conditions.
  22. All charges mentioned under this Offer including penalty charges (if any) or any additional fees will be considered part of these terms and conditions.
  23. All charges are in Saudi Riyals (SAR).

Network Regulations

  1. Salam Mobile provides Mobility Service using the infrastructure of Mobile Telecommunications Saudi Company "Zain". Both Mobile Voice and Data services provided under this agreement are on the basis of Zain's mobile network coverage and on basis of its network participation and effort (Best Effort). For Data, actual upload and download speeds vary in accordance with the network availability and congestion, and availability of 3G/4G/5G networks is based on Zain's network coverage.

Billing Regulations

  1. Customer subscribing to Mobile services are required to undergo authentication by Customer's appointed Authorized person and by Real User of the line before service activation. Upon successful completion of line authentication by the Customer's appointed Authorized person, the Real User of the line is liable to authenticate and activate his individual line within 05 working days, otherwise the service billing will start immediately following day; after 05 working days.
  2. Billing cycle is activated from the day when service is activated. The first month subscription charges are prorated based on service activation date. Non-recurring charges (if any) will be charged in full in the first month invoice. Subsequent months are charged full subscription fees of subscribed mobile plan.
  3. Usage Charges Starting from Service Commencement Date, Customer will receive an invoice which includes the due Charges for the period starting from the Service Commencement Date until the 1st of the immediate subsequent month. Thereafter, invoices shall be provided on monthly basis pertaining to the Charges due for each subsequent month. Unless stated otherwise to the contrary under the Order Form or Salam Standard Terms and Conditions, all Charges shall be invoiced in arrears.
  4. Salam Mobile bills include monthly subscription fees and extra usage charges; both of which are arrears.
  5. Salam Mobile will generate bill invoice on the twenty-eight (28th) of each Gregorian month to Customer. Salam Mobile will share invoice statement on Customer registered email address and will notify Customer on SMS at Customer registered contact number.
  6. Customer is required to pay all subscription fees and charges indicated in the bill invoice statement; by the due date.
  7. Customer is required to pay its bill invoice within twenty-five (25) days from date of issuance of last bill invoice statement, failure to do so, will result in mobile line being barred for any outgoing calls, messages and internet. If the bill remains unpaid until fifty-sixty (55) days from date of issuance of last bill invoice statement, the mobile line is barred for all incoming and outgoing activity. On Day sixty (60th), the mobile line will be terminated and mobile number (MSISDN) shall be resent pack to Customer's pool. On Day one hundred and eighty (180th), mobile line is re-farmed back to Salam Mobile if payment is not paid or mobile line is not used for consecutive one hundred and twenty (120) days.
  8. Customer that discontinues or terminates the service for any reason, will be liable to pay all charges immediately. These include any unpaid bills, current month prorated subscription fees and charges, penalty charges (where applicable). Salam Mobile
طلب الخدمة
الإتصال بالإنترنت عبر الجوال للأعمال
يمكنك اختيار اكثر من باقة عن طريق تحديد أي باقة ادناه
يرجى مشاركة التفاصيل للتواصل
يرجى تعبئة بيناتاتك أدناه لإرسال طلبك. و سيتم ارسال كلمة مرور لمرة واحدة للتحقق من رقم الهاتف
يرجى تقديم بياناتك الصحيحة
ادخل الرمز المكون من 4 أرقام
تم ارسال الرمز المكون من 4 أرقام الى رقم هاتفك المحمول xxxx
يرجى ادخال الرمز في المربعات ادناه
يمكنك طلب رمز جديد بعد
55 ثانية
Resend OTP
هل تحتاج إلى التوجيه؟
نحن نحب أن نساعدك.
call phone اتصل بنا
صمم الباقة الخاصة بك
أدخل الوصف هنا
صمم الآن
شكراً لاختيارك سلام موبايل للأعمال لقد حدث خطأ يرجى المحاولة مره أخرى
سنتواصل معك في أقرب وقت ممكن شكراً لاختيارك خدمات سلام موبايل للأعمال
شكراً لاختيارك خدمات سلام موبايل للأعمال